
What I wish I knew 14 years ago before becoming a manager

2018 started with reorganization

2018 has started with reorganization of budgetary institutions, especially in non-entrepreneurial legal entities and LTDs in the municipalities. Along with these changes, staff reorganization process has started in the private sector (Business, Media) as well. This process is referred to as reorganization and there are many similarities as well as differences between the public and private sectors.
In search of leadership - Open positions for Managers / CEO's

When reorganization is planned and the quality of work performance results in significant need, organically improving the structure should be started by developing the skills of the current leadership or recruiting experienced external leaders.
The main criteria for personnel policy in private and public institutions should be management skills.

Managerial skill includes the following four areas:

✔HR Management;
✔Finance Management;
✔Project Management;
✔Decision making ability.

The leaders are not required to be experts in a technical skill within one filed, but they should have experience and skills in management and people leadership. This is often a hindering factor than a benefit.

What kind of managers can decrease team motivation?

Without proper, timely and effective decisions made by leader (director, minister, head of the department, project manager), the team cannot reach its full potential.
If a manager has not been properly selected, even a good team will experience demotivation in a very short time, they will not be results oriented.
A demotivated team works not for the team result, but for their own personal satisfaction. The only goal here is keeping the job.

How can a manager motivate their team?

In order to create a result-oriented team in private or public sectors, the manager must have at least five skills / capabilities:

➤Revealing a weak spot in the team and replacing with a new motivated team member;
➤Making decisions independently within the competence of the team;
➤ Planning budget independently, including searching for additional funding;
➤Creating good working conditions for employees (environment, salary, career, motivation, empowerment);
➤Promote positive team results. 

Can a good employee become a good manager?

There are many people around us who have excellent managerial skills. Often they do not succeed because these skills are underutilized and not recognized. A professional employee is an essential member of a strong team, but a good employee does not mean a good manager. Not everyone can make a decision. Hence, it is not always appropriate to appoint a good employee as a manager, but it is a good decision to "increase" the responsibilities of a potentially strong manager from your team.
It is more beneficial to recognize, empower, and develop the skills of a potential new leader in your team to mitigate losing them to another company. It is the leaders responsibility to recognize potential and develop the skills amongst their team. This method is preferred over hiring a new team member to keep morale and company culture strong while also keeping turnover at a minimum.

And again, why are there challenges in finding good candidates for a managerial position?

I often hear from employers that they can't find skilful skilled employees for management positions and therefore preferring to field specialists, acquaintances, trustful people, then real managers, which finally brings unsuccessful results to team.

This problem is a result of the following:

1. Field specialists, acquaintances, reliable people for employers; if they are not experienced managers they often cannot make decisions because they do not hold the leadership role and respect of their team. Logically, unappreciated managers cannot achieve results;

2. Inexperienced managers are unable to manage processes independently, fail to evaluate the team possibilities properly, and fail to define team members' roles, therefore, they cannot achieve the desired results;

3. Inexperienced managers need years and a variety of experience to understand budget planning and management including the handling of large amounts of money based contracting and transfers. This factor hinders the creation of a strong team and achievement of the desired results (for example, if the team can implement 10 projects, in terms of inexperienced manager - even 2 projects are considered a difficult task);

4. Inexperienced managers often fail to promote achieved results effectively, which is one of the preconditions for team demotivation. Often, the results achieved by inexperienced manager and his team are belonged to others, which negatively impacts the manager's authority and the team's motivation continues to decrease.

14 Years ago, when I first responsible for managing a team, I thought the main thing was motivation(desire) and everything would come out. Then it turned out that was not enough just even strong desire and it was necessary to work on your own personal development and assuring in your opportunities. Convince yourself if somebody did his best somewhere, you will do your best too (you will get it too). Later, I realized that a strong team creates success. I realized that a strong team needed a strong manager who would make timely and effective decisions ...

P.S - If I knew this 14 years ago, on which I share my experience to others now, I would prioritize the development of my skills in management. Now, I am continuously working on personal professional development and sharing insight of my experience and learning from other successful managers on different aspects of management.

P.S.S - Waiting for your opinions :)

Geno Geladze
Lawyer, Ed.D.